Oh the Fire Dragon. What was supposed to be a huge dragon supported by tons of people turned out to be a dragon made of burning incense carried by about 20 people. Now that I think about it, a grand feat, but at the time such a let down.
Part of an art display we noticed. The kid was cute too.
If you look closely you will notice this is the image of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. They were in a building lobby and totally took me by surprise. There was no reason for them to be there. I just had to take a photo.
The knight in shining armor I met while having lunch at an AMAZING Spanish restaurant. I had to go all the way to Hong Kong to experience tapas, go figure.
The view of the Hong Kong skyline from our hotel room.
While in Hong Kong I bought a camera. Here are pictures from my last day in Honk Kong.
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