Thursday, September 16, 2010

Water Aerobics

This morning I woke up in enough time to join the water aerobics class held at the pool. I hobbled down to the pool, half asleep wondering what it would be like. I was the first to arrive after the instructor and the life guard. I picked up the equipment it looked like we would need and mentally prepared for my first bout of exercise in 5 weeks. I was excited and nervous. The instructor directed me to the deep end where the class would be held. With the assistance of a floating device water aerobics in the deep end is awesome. Virtually no pressure on my still broken foot. The instructor had pins removed from one of her legs about two weeks ago, so she knew my hesitations. More folks filtered in and we were off and going. 45 minutes later I felt a little tired but happy to have made the effort. As fast as I could I made my way home and got ready for school. At the start of school (3 hours ago) I was full of energy as I usually am after being in a pool. Now I am ready for my after pool nap. I am glad I went and I am looking forward to going again after Chu-Sok.

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