Friday, June 25, 2010


Today I officially left Baltimore. The first stop on my journey is my brother's house in South Carolina. In one week my sister-in-law will give birth to their second little boy and I get to be here for it. Sure I'll have to help out by watching their 2 1/2 year old little boy, but how hard could that be? Yea right! I am sure I will learn more in these next two weeks with my nephew than I did in all of grad school. Already I am learning how to understand two year old speak and the names of all the Cars characters. Good thing my mom will be here soon to help as well.

Saying goodbye to Maryland was easier than I thought. Last night we ( most of the roommates and some friends) had a nice BBQ. This allowed for good food, some laughs, and a lot of talking. This morning I woke up early and packed my car, well I crudely fit most of my stuff in. In the end it was a game of finding small spaces for the remaining items. Throughout the morning my roommates said goodbye as they left for the day. This gave me time to process each goodbye without getting overwhelmed. In the end I was the only one home when I shoved off which made for no sad goodbyes.

As I was filling my car with gas and contemplating my caffene situation one of my roommates pulled up to the pump next to mine. We had a nice laugh about the timing and a little more morning time before we hugged again and went our seprate ways. That was the perfect way to leave Baltimore.

The drive took about 10 hours and was pretty routine, minus only seeing behind me with my two side mirrors and having my bike attached to the rear of my car. I heard the same songs over and over on the radio. Good thing I happen to like those songs right now.

Tomorrow will be gym times with my brother, pool times with my nephew and pedicure times with my sister. Seems like it will be a great day. I'll need to fit in studying times too, but that isn't a priority yet.

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Here is what I have done today instead of packing
1. Woke up early and didn't go to the gym.
2. Tried on about 4 outfits trying to decide what to wear today.
3. Packed my bag for Florida, but not the rest of my room.
4. Had coffee and "a spread" with the Schram ladies.
5. Had a lazy lunch at El Salto
6. Dropped off an entire carload of things to Value Village.
7. Went to AC Moore.
8. Chatted it up with Sarah and Gina.
9. Stalked an old friend on Facebook.
10. Updated my blog.
11. Watched Criminal Minds

All in all, I have dome quite a bit today, but nothing to help me make my move next week any easier. Isn't it a shame that I know what I have to do, how to do it, and yet I still can't seem to make myself start?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Cleaning house and car

After a great deal of procrastination and dread, I actually started the "Great Clean." It took me all of 15 minutes to clean out my car and about 2 hours to get the majority of my room cleaned up. In the process I amassed loads of stuff to donate, about a box of things to store in Florida, a few boxes of books to ship to Korea, and some other odds and ends I need to take, store, or give away.

The next major task will be to pack my clothes. With the help of a roommate that will be easy.

Last night the Jens and I finally played trivia together. The most excitment was winning the first round by 1 point. Too bad it went downhill from there. I hope to find a place to play trivia in Seoul.

Tomorrow packing, Fogo de Chao, daytime relaxation, and getting my teeth cleaned. I am sure there will be a few unexpected fun things tossed in there, but those are the major points.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Eye allergies and goodbyes

Today was the last day of school for the students. Their exams are done, they are starting their summers, and saying good bye. It is amazing how easy it is to talk about science and things of no consequence and how hard it is to try and express my personal thoughts to those students who have been such a big part of my life. I doubt that any of my students fully understand how much they have shaped me professionally and personally. I hope that I have done the same for them.

This time of limbo is so strange. I know that it is June and that this year has been one with a lot of character building but how does it still feel like school is just beginning? I have yet to finalize my grades, maybe I'm being lazy, maybe I'm just not ready to accept the end of the year and delaying my grades is a lame and pointless attempt at stretching it out.

Thank you to all of my comrades. Keep me in the loop about your lives.