Thursday, June 10, 2010

Eye allergies and goodbyes

Today was the last day of school for the students. Their exams are done, they are starting their summers, and saying good bye. It is amazing how easy it is to talk about science and things of no consequence and how hard it is to try and express my personal thoughts to those students who have been such a big part of my life. I doubt that any of my students fully understand how much they have shaped me professionally and personally. I hope that I have done the same for them.

This time of limbo is so strange. I know that it is June and that this year has been one with a lot of character building but how does it still feel like school is just beginning? I have yet to finalize my grades, maybe I'm being lazy, maybe I'm just not ready to accept the end of the year and delaying my grades is a lame and pointless attempt at stretching it out.

Thank you to all of my comrades. Keep me in the loop about your lives.

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