Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Packed and ready to go

Tonight I pulled out my suitcase. Usually I pack the day of/night before. Not this time folks. I am packed and ready to go. Granted, I literally only packed 3 outfits, it still counts.

I decided that I am going to add to my wardrobe during my Christmas visit, and as incentive I only packed 3 outfits. If nothing else I'll be doing a lot of laundry while at home.

So, what did I do with the rest of the space? I filled it with gifts and knick-knacks from Korea, China, and Hong Kong. I have consumables, jewelry, clothing, toys, foreign currency, newspapers, postcards, and other random things. I laughed at some of the things I purchased as I put them into the suitcase and I know my friends and family will enjoy them too.

Now all I have to do is finish proctoring and grading my exams and then get to the airport. The wonderful HR man arranged to have a driver pick me up at my apartment and bring me to the bus stop. From there it is about an hour to the airport, the normal 2 hours in the airport before boarding, and a mere 20 hours more of flying before I arrive in Florida.


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