Monday, October 11, 2010

Positive feedback loops

A positive feedback loop is one in which the products of the reaction(s) ensure the process continues. Contrary to the term "positive" they aren't always good reactions.

Here are three examples in my life and how I have overcome them today

1. Updating my blog. I got out of the habit of updating it on a regular basis so the idea of trying to catchup was overwhelming. Rather than just give it a shot two weeks ago I just let it go. The longer I left it the more I would have to write to catch up, and the more I forgot about my day-to-day happenings. I have decided to just pick up where I am rather than where I left off.

2. Grading lab reports. I have let three assignments pile up. Instead of just sitting down and getting some of them graded I have simply pushed them to the back of my bag. Weeks later they are still there (a little more worn than when handed in) and my bag is simply heavier. I had imagined these papers terrible to grade each requiring more time than I have. Today while my students took a test I was able to grade an entire classes lab reports. Granted the class was only 8 students, it showed me that I shouldn't fear the amount of work.

3. SKSH reference letters. I specifically asked the students to give me all of their information before the start of the summer. I even began working on the letters before leaving Baltimore. Then the summer happened and I didn't do a single letter. I brought all of the information with me to Korea only to get sucked into the vortex of my new school without spending any time on the reference letters. Today, after school I blocked out 2.5 hours to write these letters. Would you believe it only took me one hour? All that time I was worried for nothing.

Let me be an example ladies and gentlemen. Don't procrastinate, and if you do, don't let it go too long. Props to Sayeda and Liz for your gentle reminders of my promise to you. All letters have been e-mailed to the guidance department, hopefully with a few days to spare.

Now, with the hour before Monday night football (really a Sunday night game) I will grade more papers. Or maybe I will take a walk....

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